
Servicall System

This system is definitely the favourite transmitter for kitchen staff.
It enables instant communication between the kitchen and front-of-house staff.
It ensures quick food delivery, improved table turnover and good atmosphere.

Servicall Transmitter

  • Built for maximum durability for busy kitchen environments.
  • 12-button options
  • “One touch” paging with just a touch of a button
  • Range: 3km
  • Auto-recall, up to 3 times
  • Easy to clean
  • You can write next to the numbers on the transmitter
  • Adapter: 12V, 3,5A, SMPS
  • 31 x 18 x 3 cm

Rugged pagers

  • Light/Sound/Vibration
  • Rechargeable
  • Average battery life: 2.5 years
  • Built with high-quality materials for maximum resistance and durability
  • Easy to clean
  • LED number display
  • 8 x 5.5 x 3 cm

Charger 6

  • Capacity: 6 pagers
  • Built for resistance and durability
  • Adapter: 12V
  • Full charge in 4 hours
  • 4 x 11.5 x 4.5 cm

Charger 12

  • Capacity: 12 pagers
  • Built for resistance and durability
  • Adapter: 12V
  • Full charge in 4 hours
  • Programming menu
  • 31 x 11.5 x 4.5 cm

Servicall Transmitter Base

  • Durable design made to withstand the high-traffic restaurant environment.
  • 24-button options
  • Instant call with just the press of a button
  • Range: 3km
  • Auto-recall, up to 3 times
  • Easy to clean
  • You can write next to the numbers on the transmitter
  • Adapter: 12V, 3,5A, SMPS
  • 31 x 18 x 3 cm

Waitercall Transmitter Base

  • 20-key transmitter
  • Range: 2km
  • LED display
  • Wireless communication
  • Water-resistant polyurethane
  • Adapter: 12V, 3,5A, SMPS
  • 5 x 10.1 x 5 cm

*This system consists of: pagers & charger & transmitter base (several models).
They can also be used with signal repeaters if necessary.

Servicall system for the kitchen

Our Servicall staff paging system is a wireless system that enables immediate communication between kitchen and front-of-the-house staff to improve service efficiency, manage food orders more effectively, and boost staff productivity.

Main features of staff pagers

Kitchen-to-waiter call systems are the most practical solution to ensure kitchen staff and waiting staff work together as a team to ensure meals are delivered promptly.  Discreetly notify your waiting staff when food is ready to be served.

Our system consists of a kitchen transmitter base that can be mounted on a wall, clamped to a shelf or placed on a flat surface. This base allows kitchen staff to quickly notify waiting staff at the touch of a button. For this purpose, the Servicall base is equipped with 12 or 24 buttons (for more buttons, please contact us). The base is made of water-resistant polyurethane which can withstand high temperatures and offers up to 2 km line of site coverage. In addition, you can write the name of each employee next to their pager number with a marker (dry erase board/markers). With a quick press of a button, response times are reduced and workflow is optimised. This base also has an auto-recall feature, programmable duty alerts, “page all” options and many other features. In addition, it has an easy-to-read digital LED display.

We also have a smaller transmitter that is perfect for kitchens with limited space. Our Waitercall base offers a more compact and slim design, with 20 call buttons and a LED display.

Waiting staff are notified via discreet, robust and silent pagers with a practical and elegant design, which allow them to receive notifications from the kitchen. This is why it has become the most popular solution for the catering sector: restaurants, bars, pubs and cafés.

Benefits for hospitality businesses

Its strength, durability and wide range of features make this type of pager the perfect choice for coordinating kitchen operations, as it helps reduce noise, shouting and bells. A discreet and practical system.

With this paging system, you can forget about bells, walkie-talkies or voice communication systems, which can sometimes bother guests or be uncomfortable to wear for staff because of the headsets. Our kitchen-to-waiter paging system has quickly become one of the preferred solutions in the sector because of its simplicity and the operational advantages it offers.

Different applications of Servicall pagers in other sectors

Thanks to its great versatility, this system can be used in a variety of sectors such as industry, retail, logistics and warehousing, as it provides a simple and efficient way for employees to receive alerts quickly and remotely.

With the transmitter station you can send a code of up to 3 digits using the buttons on the transmitter. Thanks to this feature, the pager will show the code on its LED display, making it possible to quickly coordinate your team or to notify your staff where they need to go.

The type of alert can be programmed, so you choose from a combination of alerts (vibration, flashing light, or beep), according to the needs of your business. Alert times can also be programmed, with several time options available: 8, 15, 30, 60, 120, 180 or 360 seconds or non-stop until the pager is returned to its charging base.

Multiple Servicall stations can be combined, and your staff will know exactly where the request is coming from. This is a very popular solution in restaurants with several areas, e.g. barbecue, grill, bar, pizzeria… or in workplaces with different sections or areas.

Otros avisadores

Agile and efficient call systems.

Innovation leaders. Wireless technology.

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Email: commerciale@touchitglobal.com

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